Consider: "The True Woman"

This is not a new book, but it contains a lot of timeless truth. Today we have an short piece from The True Woman by Susan Hunt:

Proverbs 31 reaches its zenith with these words: “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

This perspective of womanhood is one every Christian woman should grab and cling to tenaciously. We are inundated with deformed, debilitating views of womanhood. This image is refreshing and realistic for the woman of biblical faith. Whatever her age, appearance, or situation, this woman is ultimately one who fearlessly fears the Lord…

Wisdom is the link between fear of the Lord and a virtuous life…

Wisdom begins with a reverential awe of God as He is revealed in Scripture. This opens the way to view the world and our place in it through the lens of God’s revealed will. The more we see life through this lens, the clearer our perception of how to live out God’s principles in daily life.

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